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Cynthia Brian
2 min read
SAG AWARDS, Safe Shopping, Improving Life, Kid’s Crisis
The Golden Globes have transpired and the SAG Awards have been announced. Any surprises? Not all the advertisements that hit your social...
Cynthia Brian
3 min read
2023 Garden Trends, Early Risers, Vitamin D, Happy/Healthy/Raises Welcome to a New Year! What can you expect in...
Cynthia Brian
4 min read
2023 Garden Trends Part 1
1-2023 GG- 2023 Garden Trends Part 1 Digging Deep with Goddess Gardener, Cynthia Brian 2023 Garden Trends, Part 1 By Cynthia Brian “To...
Cynthia Brian
4 min read
Night Lights Press Pass:...
Cynthia Brian
2 min read
Inner Peace, Happy & Healthy, Christmas Wishes
What is inner peace? How do we avoid conflict, especially at Christmas time? Why is positivity so important? Author and advocate for...
Cynthia Brian
4 min read
Nature's Ornaments
“There is material enough in a single flower for the ornaments of a score of cathedrals.” John Ruskin Like so many Americans, the day...
Cynthia Brian
3 min read
Business & Disabilities, Stress-Free Holiday, Electric Cars, Natural Decor
70% of disabilities are not visible. People could have low vision, minimal hearing, difficulty with speech, or painful joints. How can a...
Cynthia Brian
3 min read
Thanksgiving and Gratitude
No matter what the situation is...close your eyes and think of all the things in your life you could be grateful for right now." — Deepak...
Cynthia Brian
5 min read
Petal Powered
by Cynthia Brian “Blossom by blossom the spring begins.” AC Shinburne Even on the darkest, dreariest, rainiest day, looking out my dining...
Cynthia Brian
4 min read
Legends of the Fall
“Delicious autumn! My very soul is wedded to it.” George Elliot Fall is filled with legends, myths, fairs, and festivals all celebrating...
Cynthia Brian
3 min read
Season of the Witch, Pool Power, Halloween History
The history of witchcraft in Europe begins with both folk beliefs and with religious and classical texts. What is a witch and how did the...
Cynthia Brian
3 min read
Gardening at Any Age, Mentoring & Kindness, Designing Outdoor Areas
Gardening offers exercise for the body, mind, and spirit. It is an outdoor activity that anybody can enjoy from birth until death. By...
Cynthia Brian
3 min read
The Gift of Nature
“ Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.” Albert Einstein The choices each individual makes every day...
Cynthia Brian
4 min read
Splish Splash
“Happiness is a day by the pool.” I can’t remember if I first learned to swim in the creek behind our house or in the big round cattle...
Cynthia Brian
4 min read
Dead Serious and Lighthearted, Beautiful Bouquets, Fire Recovery Guide
National award-winning author, Mack W. Borgen, a graduate of Harvard Law School and the University of discusses the release of Volume I...
Cynthia Brian
5 min read
Gardening at Any Age
“Old Gardeners never die, they just spade away!” When my Dad turned sixty he confided that he didn’t have the physical strength that he’d...
Cynthia Brian
4 min read
Aw Shucks!
“Plough thorough and deep, while sluggards sleep, and you shall have corn to sell or to keep “ Poor Richard In August, there are few...
Cynthia Brian
4 min read
Towers of Flowers
“A man travels the world over in search of what he needs and returns home to find it.” ~George Moore Europe has been experiencing the...
Cynthia Brian
3 min read
Summer Sprucing, Language Learning, Brains & Food
Summer is a time for entertaining. Is your home inviting, clean, and beautiful? It’s time to spruce up everything from the front door to...
Cynthia Brian
3 min read
Protect Your Pets This Summer
August is the hottest month of summer and your pets want to have fun in the sun while staying safe and cool. Heather Brittany and...
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