Digging Deep with Goddess Gardener, Cynthia Brian
By Cynthia Brian
“Cheers to a new year and another chance for us to get it right!” Oprah Winfrey
HELLOOOOOOO 2021! We have been holding our collective breaths for the past ten months desperately anticipating a new beginning with a new year.
Are you feeling a renewed enthusiasm for living? Are you ready to dig in?
Every year the Garden Media Group releases information on what trends are formulating for the next season of horticulture. 2021 has been dubbed “The Great Reset”, which is aptly titled given that we are still sheltering-in-place, connecting with loved ones and friends mostly online and by phone. The world is connected through this shared experience of a global pandemic as we impart information to help one another cope and prosper.
2020 was deemed the year where gardens, open spaces, and nature, in general, became a priority for maintaining wellness in body, mind, and spirit. Roomier homes with large backyards or acreage were in high demand as social distancing developed into the norm. Gardens became the bridge to building confidence and resilience while connecting communities and neighborhoods.
In 2021, the great outdoors will become even more critical as classes of all creeds move outside. Expect to experience yoga, dance, workouts, art, cooking, entertainment, and activities for kids scheduled in outdoor spaces. It is no longer necessary to be tethered to the high cost of living in big cities as working remotely allows employees to be closer to family and fresh air.
Research indicates that over 16 million people started gardening for the first time during the pandemic and many of them are under the age of 35. More than half of American adults are spending at least two additional hours outside today than before the outbreak started. In 2021, gardening will become a part of everyday life and will infiltrate school curriculums. Currently, 67% of adults are growing or plan to grow edibles. Berries are the most prevalent plus 52% of people are growing vegetables, 33% growing herbs, and 31% growing fruit.
What’s trending up for 2021?
Increased online sales of plants and garden products which offer convenience, speed, and safety.
Parks, trails, and open spaces will become an integral part of daily life.
Interiorscaping will become a new buzzword as stores and businesses bring the outdoors in.
Greater demand for houseplants for every room, especially home offices.
Tropical plants will grace new “garden rooms” indoors.
Certified wildlife habitats and pollinator gardens are spreading.
Educational courses, how-to-videos, and garden consultants will become routine learning tools.
A surge in home cooking and the fear of food scarcity means growing one’s own fruits, vegetables, and herbs is a necessity.
Canning and preserving food for the future will be re-popularized.
Children will be introduced at a younger age to the treasures of nature.
Miniature plants to grow on windowsills, under grow lights, or under glass for those living in small apartments without yards will be more readily available.
We will live with nature and protect our eco-systems to save lives.
The benefits of gardening are innumerable and will grow even more fashionable. Increased health, decreased stress, improved wellness, and stronger bodies through garden chores will lead to happier more balanced lifestyles.
In 2021, we will embrace nature as part of our being. Nature is not something “out there” in the wilderness. Nature will thrive in our backyards, on rooftops, balconies, porches, and windowsills. Our very existence will depend on creating a sustainable balance between humans and all creation.
My hope is that we will all finally understand that there are no mistakes in the garden. Failure is fertilizer to grow anew. Just garden.
Happy New Year with revived cheer. Let’s get it right!
Cynthia Brian’s Garden Guide for January
DETACH ornaments, lights, and tinsel from your Christmas trees and leave them on the curb on your garbage pick-up day. Flocked trees can be cut up and put in the green bins.
BEWARE of wild boars on the rampage. Boars are causing major damage to landscapes and are a danger to people and pets. Fish and Game offers information. For local assistance with wildlife control including boars, coyotes, turkeys, deer, and more, contact licensed and insured Full Boar Depredation, https://www.fullboar-llc.com.
LOWER your anxiety with the Japanese practice of shrinrin-yoku or forest bathing. Take a walk in nature and you’ll immediately experience relaxation.
REMOVE wrapping from any holiday gifted plants to allow for drainage.
PRUNE deciduous fruit trees, bushes, flowering shrubs, and cane berries. Roses can be heavily pruned towards the end of the month.
SPRAY your second application of a dormant spray aimed to kill the many overwintering insects and diseases after you have pruned.
PICK a few sprigs of narcissus to perfume an entire room.
PLANT all bare root fruit trees, perennials, berries, and vines. They cost less and will adapt quickly to their new home.
ADD acanthus to your landscape for lush greenery and interesting spring floral spikes.
BUY healthy meal kits with farm-fresh ingredients from Sun Basket if you aren’t growing your own. https://bit.ly/2DipPsT
BUILD a river rock dry creek to direct run-off rainwater.
ORDER bare-root roses from your local nursery or find beautiful, fragrant cultivars at www.DavidAustin.com.
BRIGHTEN your winter landscape with sweet peas, society garlic, and guara (which looks like floating butterflies).
CONTINUE wearing your mask, social distancing, and washing your hands.
Happy Gardening! Happy Growing! Cheers for 2021!
Read more and see photos: Read more and see photos: https://www.lamorindaweekly.com/archive/issue1423/Digging-Deep-with-Goddess-Gardener-Cynthia-Brian-Garden-trends-for-2021.html
Cynthia Brian, The Goddess Gardener, is available for hire to help you prepare for your spring garden. Raised in the vineyards of Napa County, Cynthia is a New York Times best-selling author, actor, radio personality, speaker, media and writing coach as well as the Founder and Executive Director of Be the Star You Are!® 501 c3. Tune into Cynthia’s StarStyle® Radio Broadcast at www.StarStyleRadio.com.
Buy copies of her best-selling books, including, Chicken Soup for the Gardener’s Soul, Growing with the Goddess Gardener, and Be the Star You Are! Millennials to Boomers at www.cynthiabrian.com/online-store. Receive a FREE inspirational music DVD.
Hire Cynthia for writing projects, garden consults, and inspirational lectures.
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